
Posts Tagged ‘mental challenge’

Besides the fact that we must use math daily, or to solve special problems, it can also, be good for our mental health.

According to the organization Alzheimer’s Prevention

we can do several things to reduce our risks such as manage stress, include physical exercise in our routine, watch our nutrition and include mental exercise, too.

In general, brain fitness should include these key goals:

Be a life-long learner.
Learn a new skill or something new every day.
Try in with the new—novel intellectual tasks—and out with the old—repetition of over-learned tasks. Shaking up a routine makes your brain work harder.
Embrace mental challenges.


Here’s the next math challenge. It’s a problem in probability and statistics, and oh so useful if you don’t want to pack too much. Pack? Where are we going? It could be a cruise or perhaps a trip to a tropical destination.

Georgette has 8 different tops and 5 pair of different style blue jeans for a trip to Cancún. How many different outfits can she create using 1 top and 1 pair of jeans a day for her week long stay?

LESSON: One figures probability by multiplying the numbers in sets.
HINT: Multiply the number of tops by the number of jeans.


Yesterday’s answer? The third box Ultimate Desserts Truffles gift box (24 pieces = $50.00). You all picked it. But if you selected “None of the above”, I’d say you were right, too.

Come back tomorrow for the answer to today’s challenge.

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