
Posts Tagged ‘Limoncello’

You may recall back in October, I started brewing this with hopes of giving away at Christmas. I zested enough lemon peel to fill the smaller of the two sizes of Everclear bottles to the top. Week by week it became more and more yellow. Sixty+ days it did its thing. Then I boiled 5 cups of water and added 3 cups of sugar. I poured the yellow brew into the mixture through a sieve to separate out the lemon peel.

For containers, I frosted some 1/2 pint jars. When Daughter #2 arrived, she knew just what to do. She ribboned these 1/2 pints of lemon brew.

Limoncello for after dinner over the holidays.

Limoncello for after dinner over the holidays. The recipe yielded 9 one half pint jars.

We passed them out on Christmas Eve.

Limoncello–it’s called. Keep it in the fridge. Then over ice cream pour just a smidge.

Or, pour into a liqueur glass just one ounce. For after dinner it’s a digestif.

Happy Holidays at home!

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